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Partner z Malty poszukuje możliwości przyłączenia się do projektu.

13.07.2015 12:08

Ministry for the Economy, Investment and Small Business of Malta poszukuje możliwości uczestnictwa w projekcie w ramach programu Interreg Europe.

Poniżej informacja o instytucji po angielsku:


The Ministry for the Economy Investment and Small Business is responsible for the promotion of entrepreneurship. The aim is to design an entrepreneurship strategy which mainly focuses Entrepreneurship in general be it within Youths, women and also aspiring entrepreneurs.

The action plan for the strategy formulation is the following:

  • Stock   taking  of  the  current  state  of  play  as  regards entrepreneurship   –   what  actions  are  being  implemented,  programmes,infrastructure in place etc..
  • Identify  gaps  within  the  current  system  and  put  forward suggestions on how to close those gaps.
  • Monitor and review the strategy annually.

A research study of the current state of play will be performed in order to identify any gaps within the system whilst simultaneously look at best practices used by foreign institutions that best fit our scenario.
A pilot project will then be implemented utilising the data gathered and test if the best practices identified work for the local scenario.

The Ministry is mainly responsible for investment attraction while also oversees SMEs operational environment. Through the entities and directorates falling under its remit the Ministry strives to reach these goals whilst also supports other initiatives which aid the local economic environment.
