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Partner z Cypru poszukuje możliwości przyłączenia się do projektu.

13.07.2015 12:08

DOREA Educational Institute z Cypru poszukuje możliwości uczestnictwa w projekcie w ramach programu Interreg Europe w ramach priorytetu „Competitiveness of SMEs”

Poniżej informacja o instytucji po angielsku:


DOREA staff has a vast experience in management and financial management of complex projects co-financed by the EU, and specifically in the areas of preparation of strategic documents, tenders, agreements and proposals, the financial management and monitoring, as well as, coordination of suppliers, and partners, among others, dissemination of the results. Staff members was/is involved in programmes such as ERASMUS+, HORIZON 2020, INTERREG, FP7, MEDA, LLP, Life+, YIA, ESF, ENPI MED.
DOREA can provide added value in the following areas:
•    Support entrepreneurship development and capacity building
•    Development of regional policies designed to support social enterprises
•    Organisation of large scale training and workshops at local and regional level
•    Expertise in social and professional development of adults and youth;
•    Dissemination and exploitation of results at local, regional as well as national and international level.

W przypadku chęci uzyskania więcej informacji należy odwiedzić stronę internetową:, skontaktować się drogą poczty elektronicznej:, lub telefonicznie: +357 25 256 606.