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Seminarium dla wnioskodawców 22-23.03.2016 r. w Rotterdamie.

18.03.2016 14:43

Zapraszamy do skorzystania z transmisji on-line części spotkania w Rotterdamie (Forum współpracy międzyregionalnej) we wtorek, godz. 13:30 - 17:30.

Register now. Online event: Europe, let’s cooperate!
Tuesday 22 March – Learn how to benefit from the European Regional Development Fund for your interregional cooperation projects

Do you want to improve regional policies on research and innovation, competiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), the low-carbon economy or environment and resource efficiency in your region?
Join the online event: Europe, let’s cooperate!
Tuesday 22 March 13:30 – 17:30
Who will you meet online?
This online event welcomes policymakers and practitioners from all over Europe.
How can you join this interactive online event?
Joining is easy and free. Just register at and you will receive a link to the webstream. No need to download any special software.
During the webstream you will have the possibility to ask questions to the speakers, give comments on the presentations or ask our Interreg Europe specialists specific questions about your own project.