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Poszukiwany partner do zatwierdzonego projektu CLUE realizowanego w ramach programu INTERREG IV C

16.02.2012 12:47

Projekt CLUE - “Climate Neutral Urban Districts of Europe” ma na celu zwiększenie kompetencji regionalnych w dziedzinie nowych rozwiązań i technologii wspierających gospodarkę niskoweglową na obszarach miejskich.

The Lead Partner of the 4th call project “Climate Neutral Urban Districts of Europe”, which is approved under conditions, is now looking for a new partner from the INTERREG IVC programme’s East area. They are looking for a partner that is actively working on developing climate neutral urban districts, either at regional or local level. The potential partner should be in a position to influence local or regional urban development policies.

The aim of the project is: increased regional capacity in policy development to facilitate implementation and assessment of new solutions and technologies to support low carbon economy in urban areas. Furthermore a shared perception on Climate Neutral Urban Districts in the partnership is a project aim. To achieve this, project aims to develop a link between urban development policy and climate mitigation measures.
Should potential partners be interested in joining CLUE, they should directly contact Mr Ludvig Elgström (tel: +46 (0)8 508 275 64; e-mail:

The deadline for the expression of interest is 25 February.

The co-financing statement should be sent to the LP before 27 February.


Project summary

Partner description (including list of responsibilities, activity description and indication of the manpower required).