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Bułgarska Regionalna Izba Handlowa poszukuje partnerów do projektu

31.03.2016 14:42

Projekt SMART SOLUTIONS FOR BETTER LIFE /SSBL/ planowany do złożenia w naborze do Programu Interreg Europa


SME competitiveness

Objective 2.1: Improving SMEs competitiveness policies


The idea is to support the SMEs in Europe to learn from good practices, to use innovative solutions to benefit from the common market. This approach will give new power for the EU economy growth.


Description/Issue addressed

In the European Union there are more and less developed regions in socio-economic aspect. To equalize standard of life across the EU we have to solve one of the basic problems - the majority of micro and small businesses, especially in lagging in socio-economic development regions have to be stimulated to benefit from the opportunities, which gives the EU as a free market. The internationalization and economic exchanges of the SMEs will contribute for the growth of all regions and will improve the quality of life.

Improvement of the competitiveness of the SMEs through new business models, new kind of cooperation, regional/local branding, promotion of local investment profile and improving investment environment in order to make the life better in the less developed areas / urban and rural with a large percentage of unemployment / of the regions.

The project aims to improve the competitiveness policy, connected with the internationalization and its instruments through the transfer and adaptation of the best practices from the developed regions in less developed, associated with local decisions for cooperation, common branding, promotion of the investment profile and more. Planned activities will allow also to identify the measures and tools for promoting the internationalization of the SME`s and improving their competitiveness searching new solutions for all regions.


Partners involved

Regional Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia and others


Main policy instruments addressed

The idea is the partners from developed regions to share the practices for promoting the internationalization and all partners to offer innovative solutions appropriate to the respective conditions. There will be done analyzes, identifying the barriers for the SMEs and proposals for solutions concerning the policy and its instruments. All partners through the exchange of good practices and searching new solutions will initiate actions for improving European policy in promoting the internationalization of the SMEs and providing accessibility to the common European market especially of small and medium enterprises. Partners from all regions will seek common solutions for innovative approaches for internationalization of SMEs. Priority will be addressed to the micro and small enterprises, which are numerous and they don’t have sufficient resources to seek independent decisions and are limited to some extent by the requirements for beneficiaries.



Type of partner looking for

SSBL project proposal was not approved by the first call. In order to improve the project proposal we will change the LP and the partnership. We are looking for LP. We are ready to support him with all needed information and by the improvement of the proposal.

We are also looking for policy responsible organizations and partners, who are interested to share experience and to take part in a policy making process of the SMEs in internationalization. It is very important to be demonstrated the contribution of each partner in policy making process;

It would be an advantage if the partners have experience in the topic and in INTERREG in order to develop the results from former period.


Project idea owner details

             Name: Aleta Yordanova

             Organisation: Regional Chamber of Comm., Industry Agriculture

             Bulgaria (България), Северен централен
