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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


Jeśli szukają Państwo partnera do projektu prosimy o wypełnienie powyższego szablonu i przesłanie go do RBWD.

Stowarzyszenie Columbares poszukuje partnerów do programu dotyczacego edukacji w zakresie ochrony...

Dodano: 05-02-2010

Dear colleagues, The Association Columbares, a NGO located in the Region of Murcia (Spain), is looking for partners in order to address a proposal to the ‘Lifelong Learning Programme – Sub-programme Grundtvig”. Web of the Lifelong Learning Programme: The project aims to promote collaboration between different European organizations dedicated to environmental education to improve the sustainability, and addressing issues such as: - Saving and...


QeC-ERAN poszukuje partnerów do projektów dotyczacych ekonomii społecznej, zatrudnienia młocych...

Dodano: 04-02-2010

Dear Colleagues, QeC-ERAN (European Regeneration Areas Network) an NGO based in Brussels is currently developing three INTERREG IVC bids under the third call for Capitalisation projects. We are looking for possible partners who would be interested in joining an exchange, sharing and transfer of policy experience, knowledge and good practices on the following projects proposals: 1.    Social Economy and micro-financial services to support the development of local/regional...


Uniwersytet w Sewilli poszukuje partnerów do projektu eurozatrudnienia

Dodano: 04-02-2010

Dear colleagues, The University of Sevilla wants to participate in a project called EUROEMPLYMENT. It is a proposal included in the Andalusia operational programme from the European Social Fund 2007 –2013.  In line with this, under the umbrella of the Andalusian ESF OP 2007-2013, the Regional Government of Andalusia has decided to encourage interregional and transnational cooperation through a priority axis. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES • Exchanging of knowledge, information and experiences...
