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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


Jeśli szukają Państwo partnera do projektu prosimy o wypełnienie powyższego szablonu i przesłanie go do RBWD.

Warsztat Animacyjny w Viborg poszukuje partnerów do projektu skupiającego sie na animacji...

Dodano: 17-02-2010

The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark, internationally highly acknowledged for  its animation works and with years of experience in coordinating and participating in LLP-projects, is looking for partners for a project focusing on animation as a pedagogical tool in language teaching. Attached please find a first project outline and a draft in Spanish (the Animation Workshop would like to cooperate with Spanish partners, among others). Interesting partners would be:- Primary...


Southwark, poszukuje organizacji pozarządowych oraz instytucji społecznych do współpracy w ramach...

Dodano: 17-02-2010

The London Borough of Southwark are searching for partners from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or public organisations to collaborate in a project combating domestic and dating violence. The partners will be seeking DAPHNE III funding. DAPHNE III is a European fund that supports projects that work to combat violence against children, young people and women. The Call for Proposals is expected to be released later this month, and the deadline for applicants should fall towards the end of...


Regionalne Ministrerstwo Zdrowia Andaluzji, Andaluzyjska Służba Zdrowia oraz Andaluzyjska Szkoła...

Dodano: 17-02-2010

W celu uzyskania informacji, proszę pobrać poniżej zalączone pliki lub skontaktować się z osobą odpowiedzialną za projekt: Cristina Rubio Oficina de Proyectos Internacionales Fundación Progreso y Salud Avda.Américo Vespucio 5, Bloque 2, 2ª Planta Parque Científico y Tecnológico Cartuja 93 - 41092 Sevilla Tel:   +34 954 71 23 78 / 32 93 78 Fax:  +34 955 04 04 57 / 34 04 57 Załączniki: Expertise...


CSV Ipswich we Wschodniej Anglii poszukuje partnera do Europejskiego Funduszu Integracyjnego dla...

Dodano: 17-02-2010

Dear Colleagues, Please find attached a partner search from CSV Ipswich in the East of England, UK for the European Integration Fund for Third Country Migrants call. The CSV Media Clubhouse in Ipswich is an NGO digital multimedia centre with music and community art facilities. It is part of the national charity Community Service Volunteers and provides work-based training in media and ICT skills to improve...


Brukselskie Biuro Regoinu Wschodniej Anglii otrzymało prośbę Rady Powiaty Essex dotycząca chęci...

Dodano: 17-02-2010

Dear Colleagues, Re. Health Programme Call for Proposals East of England Brussels Office has received a request from our regional partners at Essex County Council, UK who are interested in participating in the Health Programme Call, specifically in the field of Health Inequalities (ie. particularly relevant to ‘Foster healthier ways of life and the reduction of health inequalities’, and ‘ Promote healthier...


Samorząd Castilla La - Mancha poszukuje partnerów w ramach projektu Comenius Regio. Projekt...

Dodano: 05-02-2010

Dear colleagues, The municipality of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, is looking for partners for a Comenius Regio project. Social and citizen competition: present and future.We are a group formed by a City council of Villa de Don Fadrique, a center of primary Education another one of secondary Education, a center of teachers, a library and two association of parents and mothers. We belong concretely to the community of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) when south this of the province of Toledo. We have...


The City College Norwich ze wschodniej Anglii poszukuje partnerów do dwóch programów Leonardo da...

Dodano: 05-02-2010

Informacje znajdują się w plikach zamieszczonych poniżej. Partner Search Proforma ToI - Employer Engagement (JC) Partner Search Proforma ToI RUGroom (JC)
