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Uniwersytet w Sewilli poszukuje partnerów do projektu eurozatrudnienia

04.02.2010 10:20

Dear colleagues,

The University of Sevilla wants to participate in a project called EUROEMPLYMENT. It is a proposal included in the Andalusia operational programme from the European Social Fund 2007 –2013. 

In line with this, under the umbrella of the Andalusian ESF OP 2007-2013, the Regional Government of Andalusia has decided to encourage interregional and transnational cooperation through a priority axis.


• Exchanging of knowledge, information and experiences and sharing of good practices among member States and regions in order to improve the labour market dynamic.

• Learning from other experiences with the aim of achieving a more inclusive society. In this regard, special attention to disadvantaged people will be placed.

• Looking for and researching innovative methods together towards common solutions with the goal to respond to new social and economic challenges and to tackle labour market discrimination and inequality.

In this framework the University of Sevilla, wants to share “good practices” with other European universities in the employability field. It means to know the experiences about employment policies used within the University (mobility exchange of the students, policies for help the student to find a job...)

Regarding the financial issues, there is no co-financed budget needed only the Universities collaboration.

Please find attached more information about the programme.

We will need a letter of intention of your University for participate in this project, if you are interested, please let us know in order to send you the letter of intent.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Thanks a lot for your efforts,

Best regards,

Inmaculada García RayaTécnica Unidad de Apoyo al EmpleoUNIVERSEMSACU Universidad de Sevilla Avd Chile s/n Pabellón de Uruguay. C.P.: 41013 SevillaTlf: + 00 34 954 48 81 55E-Mail: Web: