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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


Jeśli szukają Państwo partnera do projektu prosimy o wypełnienie powyższego szablonu i przesłanie go do RBWD.

Warsztat Animacyjny w Viborg poszukuje partnerów do projektu skupiającego sie na animacji rozumianej jako narzędzie do nauczania języków.

17.02.2010 11:42

The Animation Workshop in Viborg, Denmark, internationally highly acknowledged for  its animation works and with years of experience in coordinating and participating in LLP-projects, is looking for partners for a project focusing on animation as a pedagogical tool in language teaching. Attached please find a first project outline and a draft in Spanish (the Animation Workshop would like to cooperate with Spanish partners, among others).

Interesting partners would be:
- Primary schools
- Adult educational institutions, e.g. immigrant centers with learning activities or
- Language schools
- Enterprises with foreign employees
- Linguistics and semiotics

The project is developed under the Transversal Programme, Key Activity 2 (Languages), within the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Deadline for submission of the proposal is 31st of March. Expression of interest as soon as possible, and no later than the 1st of March.

Mr. Troels Lindebjerg  +45 22 58 47 07
- or
Mrs. Hanne Pedersen may also contact (Mrs.) Aase Hoejlund Nielsen, Central Denmark EU Office in Brussels, for further information:


We kindly ask you to forward this partner search to any stakeholders in your region that might be interested in becoming partner in this project.



Write a Movie - animated language learning - project outline