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Stowarzyszenie Columbares poszukuje partnerów do programu dotyczacego edukacji w zakresie ochrony środowiska

05.02.2010 09:47

Dear colleagues,

The Association Columbares, a NGO located in the Region of Murcia (Spain), is looking for partners in order to address a proposal to the ‘Lifelong Learning Programme – Sub-programme Grundtvig”.

Web of the Lifelong Learning Programme:

The project aims to promote collaboration between different European organizations dedicated to environmental education to improve the sustainability, and addressing issues such as:
- Saving and energy efficiency
- Promotion of renewable energy
- Saving and efficient use of water
- Organic waste treatment
- Sustainable mobility
- Reforestation and forest conservation.

For more than 20 years Columbares has been working for the integration of people and groups at risk of social exclusion. They develop and promote projects in educational, social and cultural areas. Also, they carry out European projects such as European Voluntary Service (Youth in Action Programme).

You can see further information of the project in the document attached.

The deadline of the call for proposal is the 19th of February, so we will appreciate an answer before the 15th of January..

If any organization of your region would be interested, do not hesitate to contact Ms. Paola Garbari.

Telephone number: +34 968 82 42 41

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards.

Region of Murcia Office in Brussels


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