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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


Jeśli szukają Państwo partnera do projektu prosimy o wypełnienie powyższego szablonu i przesłanie go do RBWD.

Southwark, poszukuje organizacji pozarządowych oraz instytucji społecznych do współpracy w ramach projektu dotyczacego zwalczania przemocy domowej oraz przemocy wobec kobiet.

17.02.2010 11:35

The London Borough of Southwark are searching for partners from Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) or public organisations to collaborate in a project combating domestic and dating violence.

The partners will be seeking DAPHNE III funding. DAPHNE III is a European fund that supports projects that work to combat violence against children, young people and women. The Call for Proposals is expected to be released later this month, and the deadline for applicants should fall towards the end of April.

Southwark’s project will seek to develop and test an educational training package to promote awareness of healthy relationships and combat domestic and dating violence.16-18 year olds will assist in teaching and supporting their peers. The training package will be piloted in a range of community-based settings, such as schools and youth clubs, using workshops, questionnaires and group work.

For more information on the London Borough of Southwark and their project idea, please see the attached document. If you are interested in participating in the project, please contact Lisa-Marie Bowles (email:, telephone: + 44 207 525 1022) or Magda Devas (email:


Southwark Daphne Partner Search