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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


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Samorząd Castilla La - Mancha poszukuje partnerów w ramach projektu Comenius Regio. Projekt adresowany jest do szkół oraz organizacji okołoszkolnych.

05.02.2010 10:17

Dear colleagues,

The municipality of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, is looking for partners for a Comenius Regio project.

Social and citizen competition: present and future.
We are a group formed by a City council of Villa de Don Fadrique, a center of primary Education another one of secondary Education, a center of teachers, a library and two association of parents and mothers. We belong concretely to the community of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) when south this of the province of Toledo. We have about 4500 habitants. We are interested in working project Regio Comenius with another locality similar to our characteristics. The objective of project tries on the social and citizen competition including subjects like: coexistence, mediation, education between equals, drug education, etc..
We want to investigate at all the levels: social, economic, educative and familiar.
If you are interested in developing a Regio Project, please contact


Thanks a lot, and best regards


Beatriz Talegón Ramos
Asesora de Asuntos Europeos
EU Affairs Adviser
Oficina de Castilla La Mancha en Bruselas
Castilla La Mancha Office in Brussels
Avenue Des Arts, 39, Bruxelles
Tlf:  925 248 396
      022  311 477