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Poszukiwanie partnerów do projektu - szablon


Jeśli szukają Państwo partnera do projektu prosimy o wypełnienie powyższego szablonu i przesłanie go do RBWD.

QeC-ERAN poszukuje partnerów do projektów dotyczacych ekonomii społecznej, zatrudnienia młocych ludzi, wpływu programów operacyjnych na wzrost ekonomiczny na szczeblu lokalnym i regionalnym

04.02.2010 11:02

Dear Colleagues,

QeC-ERAN (European Regeneration Areas Network) an NGO based in Brussels is currently developing three INTERREG IVC bids under the third call for Capitalisation projects.

We are looking for possible partners who would be interested in joining an exchange, sharing and transfer of policy experience, knowledge and good practices on the following projects proposals:

1.    Social Economy and micro-financial services to support the development of local/regional strategies for strategies for employment and enterprise development in European regions.

2.    Tackling young people’s welfare in Europe, looking for ways to enhance their inclusion into the labour market and wider social participation.

3.    Beyond GDP: Measuring the impact of Operational Programmes in relation to economic growth and sustainable development at local/regional level.

I attach to this email a copy of the three outline proposals.

Please note that only public bodies are eligible for this programme.

Due to the characteristic of the Capitalisation projects, the involvement of the relevant bodies responsible for monitoring the Operational Programmes (Managing Authorities) is a prerequisite for every partner wishing to participate.

Deadline for submission is March 5th 2010.

Please, disseminate these partner searches across your contacts.

We would like to receive an answer by JANUARY 20th in order to complete the partnership by the end of Januray 2010.

For further information, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Maria Elena Bragaglia

QeC-ERAN **European Regeneration Areas Network
Rue Vieux Marché aux Grains, 48
B-1000 Brussels
Tel: + 32 (0)2 524 4545
Fax: + 32(0)2 524 4431 



Outline Proposal -IPOD

Outline proposal Social Economy

Outline proposal-Beyond GDP